Why Distance Education is beneficial to our society

Why Distance Education?

Are you a housewife, employee of any enterprises or living far areas, want to increase your educational qualification but not able to attend regular education system and want to select the best career options then distance education is one of the best options, but you should know about what is Distance education? , what are the pros and cons of open education?
Distance Education
What is distance education?
It is a fact that education is the key of success. It has many forms or many ways to gain from different sources like distance education.
It is an education where we can study from home and we need not go to attend any classes and also there is no compulsion to attend the class regularly. There are following pros and cons of Distance education

Scope of Distance Education

1)  In distance / Open education, there is a benefit that you get which you can study from your place and there will be no obligation to attend the class regularly.
2)  Sometimes what happens that you want to get your degree or want to appear for higher education but you cannot enroll in private college because of insufficient money? And at that time you can enroll in distance / open education which is affordable as compared to a private college.
3)  Here one of the best things is there is if you are a straggler and taking up a job then no matter because you will have ample time to prepare yourself for the examination on the other side you can take part-time jobs in case your family needs your economical support.
4)  Certificates of Distance education are valid everywhere if you are thinking that whether and certificates will be valuable or no then just remove all these negative thinking because maximum number of open education under government taking.
5)  If you didn’t get through the exam for the first time then you’ll get more opportunity to appear in examination and the result time you‘ll get the fresh result as it is only available in distance mode.
6)   In some of open education, they provide some classes in a week on Saturdays or Sundays. So, it is also beneficial for you because most candidates get free time these days then they can attend the classes and also can complete their syllabus.

Limitation Of Distance Education

There are few companies that prefer only those candidates who completed their study (education) from regular education. You cannot get the quality of education in distance education because you don’t get the proper classes in a proper schedule. In this education system only you get one or two classes which are not sufficient for you.
Most of the pupils are not interested to complete the course, syllable of the university, and preparation of examination. They enroll in university only to get a degree of certificates

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