Dealing with Impact of fashion on our teenagers

Dealing with Impact of fashion on our teenagers
I have already explained about career on fashion designing in my previous blog. This time I thought to articulate about Impact of fashion that is a kind of fashion or a kind of passion. Addiction it does not mean that the person has fagged, tobacco, alcohol and a lot regularly.
Nowadays we have endless number of examples that represents Additions for example the madness of social networking sites in your teenagers , attraction to sex  etc.

Now I am going to explain the keyword Addiction as a fashion. It stands that if any person who likes to do any particular sort of work and also there is no any limitation then it can be consider as an addiction.

Impact of fashion
Pixabay /Youth Addiction

I am also trying to make you understand by giving an example that if you always get busy on your hand phone, if you always watch comedy show, if you always have fag or tobacco, if you always play video game so; all these examples come under addiction. When once you get addicted any of things then you must know that “ you are going to lose your patience , peace , happiness and all the precious things that  you have” now it’s up to you whether you want to lead a happy  or a depressed life.

How to make plan for anti- Addiction of your bad fashion
Doing any work beyond limitation called addiction. You must be addicted but addiction of good thing that can help you to nourish your future. Neither do addiction for showing off nor for passion.  These are the things that bring unhappiness in your life. Few simple tips are as given hereunder this blog.

1.Addiction can be controlled by a single method change (turn) bad habit with good habit like if you take tobacco instead of it take some fennel seeds (saunf). If your habit is to take alcohol instead of it you can have soda water or cold drink by doing this I am very sure that you will find a comfortable lifestyle. If you like it please tries to implement these techniques in your life, after all, you all are the future and also you have a huge responsibility.  
2. No doubt that social media or social networking site play important roles but unwanted use may be harmful for you. Therefore you should protect your addiction of social networking sites.
 3.Do not try to compromise with your right career  for Addiction as a fashion. You should always try to focus on your write career options.


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