If you are a regular student of any college then you have much knowledge about regular education system in India. Here we learn the definition with pros and cons of regular education system.
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What is Regular education system in India?
Regular education you have to attend the class regularly as well it is also compulsion to attend every class. It has rules and regulation to follow everyone under the system including student teacher and staff of the institutions
Scope of Regular education system in India
1. The campus selection is one of the best features of the regular education system that helps students to make awesome career after completing higher secondary, graduation or higher degree
2. In regular mode education you can get the quality of education if you attend the regular class because everyone get this facility and with that you can have you need in your stream. And it is also more valuable than distance education because some companies give more priority to regular candidate compare to distance.
3. Regular education system also helps to develop sprit of team work, Discipline, develop positive thinking and control the negative think as well as regular education system guide how to overcome from depression or hypertension through simple ways
Limitation of Regular education system in India
1. Once you have taken admission in regular education, you cannot take up any part time job because you’ll have no time even your family need your economical support.
2. The fee in regular mode is very high which is not affordable sometime for middle class family. If the candidate don’t get through the exam he’ll get limited chance to crack it and of course it also depends on college parameter.
3. Regular education system has many tough rules and regulation to admission like entrance test, interview and group discuss etc
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